This summer, because I decided to stay on the Island, I got a chance to do something I had been wanting to do for a couple of years now: a deep review of each area with it's corresponding theory and purposes.
I set EVERYTHING out on the shelves to make sure there is still a space for everything. In our classroom, I don't think we've ever had ALL the materials out at once so it was a good opportunity to take a picture of the complete classroom so that I can remember later on in the year where I had planned on putting everything.
I thought this might be useful for someone so I'm posting the pictures of my work in progress. Mind you, cultural objects are missing as well as all of our plants which are outside under intensive care from my week off at sailing school. The shelves are not in their "final form" but it was a good moment to take the pictures.
Like my trainer taught us, materials are arranged on the shelf in order from simple to complex, and grouped sometimes by purpose or by activity. Not everything is exactly where I will put it eventually, but in
general the shelves are organized as they will be.
Practical Life 1: This is one side of my main practical life island.
From top left: objects for waking on the line, and then some random stuff that I didn't put away before taking the picture.
Second tier: opening and closing containers, opening and closing matroshka dolls, opening and closing locks and keys, opening and closing nuts and bolts, stringing large beads, stringing medium beads, stringing seed beads, spooning with a spoon.
Third tier: transferring seeds with tongs, transferring water with a sponge, transferring water with a dropper, dry pouring, pouring a glass of water (with various pitchers behind it that I have to store together).
Fourth tier: wood works. Opening and closing wing nuts, using an Allen key, using a flathead screw driver, using a Phillips screw driver, (sanding: missing), (hammering: missing).
Practical Life 2: "wet" works on the other side of the island.
Top of the shelf from left to right: Folding cloths, folding socks, folding clothes, folding laundry cloths. (all of these available for washing, hanging up to dry, and ironing.)
Tier 1: dusting a table, dusting a material, brushing a rug, washing windows, washing an underlay, washing the paint easel.
Tier 2: table washing, washing the floor, washing dishes, drying dishes.
Practical Life 3: mostly plants and polishing works.
Top of shelf from left to right: wood objects to polish, watering plants.
Tier 1: dusting a plant, cleaning a plant, misting a plant, flower arranging.
Tier 2: polishing a mirror, polishing a table.
Tier 3: polishing brass, brushing shoes, polishing shoes.
Not pictured because they're not on a shelf: handwashing stand, dressing frames stand.
Sensorial 1: early sensorial works.
Top of shelf : Cylinder blocks and markers.
Tier 1: Brown Stair, Pink Tower. (I'm trying to find a setup where my pink tower can be vertical, but haven't been successful yet).
Tier 2: Red rods.
Sensorial 2: sense of touch.
Top of shelf: geometric solids, bases, geometry cabinet cards, geometry cabinet, and on it are the blindfolds.
Tier 1: touch board 1, touch board 2, sorting 1, sorting 2, baric tablets.
Tier 2: Fabrics box, thermic bottles, thermic tablets, touch tablets, pressure cylinders.
Sensorial 3: visual sense, and other senses that fit on the shelf. :)
Top of shelf: puzzles of animals, animal labels and cards, botany puzzles, botany cards and labels.
Tier 1: color box 1, color box 2, color box 3, smelling jars, sound cylinders.
Tier 2: knobless cylinders, tasting bottles.
Tier 3: constructive triangles.
And that's it for sensorial. I have a geography setup that's apart (we made a new shelf this summer for it). And a science shelf for botany that's apart as well.
Language 1: pre reading and beginning of writing.
Top of shelf: sandpaper letters, phonograms.
Tier 1: sand tray, small chalkboard, brush and water, sounds bingo.
Tier 2: classified objects (I use them for the sound game), classification picture cards, sounds box (matching sounds to objects), sounds cards(matching sounds to cards).
Tier 3: word tray (phonetic objects and letters cut out to make the words), moveable alphabet objects, moveable alphabet cards, moveable alphabet.
Language 2: reading.
Top of shelf: phonetic objects box, pink reading cards, blue reading cards, phonetic sentence and picture cards (matching), phonetic books.
Tier 1: phonogram bingo, phonogram box, phonogram booklets, phonogram cards, phonogram sentences and picture cards (matching), books with phonograms.
Tier 2: alternate spellings booklets, most common reading words lists, labels for the environment and sensorial area, puzzle words.
Tier 3: (missing on the trays) reading classification cards, definition booklets, definition in stages, word study. (I am making a lot of these materials, so all of it is in a jumble in my office.)
Language 3: writing, grammar and sentence analysis.
Top of shelf: writing materials.
Tier 1: farm setup, noun, article, adjective, logical adjective.
Tier 2: preposition, conjunction, verb labels, verb with object, double commands, adverb, logical adverb, grammar symbols box, grammar pencils box.
Tier 3: This is where sentence analysis goes. (I don't have trays that I like for this work yet.), message game, project box.
A lot of my material making this summer is in the language area- the work never ends.
Math 1: numbers 1-10, and fractions.
Top of shelf: small number rods, cards, sandpaper numbers, wooden numbers 1-10 puzzle 1, and numbers 1-10 puzzle 2.
Tier 1: spindles box, animals/dots and number cards game, cards and counters, memory game of numbers.
Tier 2 and 3: Fractions, fractions labels, fractions equations.
Math 2: Continuation of Counting and Decimal System
Top of shelf: bead stair, teen beads, teens beads hanger, tens beads, square chains bingo.
Tier 1: 100 board, dot game, stamp game.
Tier 2: introduction to the decimal system, large number cards, tray of 9, small number cards.
Tier 3: thousands, hundreds, tens, units, trays.

And right next to that shelf we have a small wall shelf with the teens boards and tens boards.

And on the other side of that we have the square chains and then the bead cabinet. (That Yair built.)
Math 3: Memorization work.
Tier 1: addition snake game, addition strips boards, flash cards.
Tier 2: addition charts.
Tier 3: subtraction snake game, subtraction strips boards.
Tier 4: subtraction charts.
Math 4: memorization work and passage to abstraction.
Top of shelf: multiplication bead bars, multiplication bead board, and the two bead frames. (I wish I had a different space to put these but math is so HUGE.)
Tier 1: multiplication charts.
Tier 2: division bead board, division chart.
Tier 3: division chart.
There are a few other shelves for other things in the classroom and I might post those some other day.