Thursday, March 5, 2009

Working on it.

Today was one of those days in the classroom where I was, once again, dominated by a hectic feeling. I was very happy when it was over.

Later, when I was walking with my dog, I was replaying the day in my mind and with the calm surroundings and the sea and the trees, things didn't seem like they'd gone that awry this morning. I guess it's like when parents come for observation on wondrously productive and quiet days, and then they say “It seemed a little chaotic.” It's all about present state of mind.

Children everywhere are doing the same things, going through the same stages, presenting the same behaviors in classrooms all over the world. I'm sure I'm not the first one to witness baskets used as hats, puzzle pieces as swords, pencils as projectiles (yikes). It's universal. The only thing that wavers is the way the adult handles herself in the midst of these incidents.

I would like to be more patient. I'd like to be able to handle all the interactions of the day with an internal smile. To be able to respond to every little hand on my shoulder with the same openness and readiness to listen. To be unwavering in the still water of my mind regardless of the circumstance surrounding me. To be able to model the kind of patience that I'd like the children to have. Patience for the children, and patience for myself. To have enough patience to respect the pace of my own learning.

Secondly, I want the humility to not gloat in the successes nor take the mishaps too much to heart, but to respond to both as simply the natural ebb and flow of life with young children.

I'd like to possess the clarity to appreciate all the happy wonderful and insignificantly miraculous occurrences that are happening under my very eyes during the day with the children.

Lastly, to possess the knowledge to best judge how to respond to the situations that need my attention.

I am working on it.


thesecretofchildhood said...

your self-reflection helps me to face my own self-doubt and less-than-perfect dealings with the young children in my life, one of whom is my son and he probably cops a lot of the fall-out when I can't be rude/short-tempered with other people's children! Thank you for your honesty and openness, you have given me much food for thought.

P.S. Montessori said...

Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a blog award over on my blog. Thanks for your inspirational posts!