Amidst the tumult of a year ending, during our class meeting this morning we sat in a circle quietly, and I presented a mp3 recorder. I explained to the children that we would record our meeting from today and I would save it, and we will listen to it on our last day of school next year. The children sat so quietly and solemnly- it was wonderful!
Our calendar is complete on the wall over our snack table, and prior to the meeting we looked at all the special events starting from August. This was a secret memory prompt for our meeting.
During our taped meeting, I asked each child for their name and age. And then asked what their favorite day of the school year had been. Trips to the beach were mentioned, popsicles, International Day, and one child touched me the most "The day before school started when I first came here and met you."
I have never recorded on an mp3 player and after our precious meeting I was itching to know whether the file had saved with the right volume and whether it was saved at all! At the end of the day, in the office, I listened to it. It was perfect. I will burn it on a CD and file it for next year. What a great thing to look forward to in 2010.
Susanne, Congratulations on your first year. No year will be the same as the first year, since everything is a first :). All the best for year two! - Anja
I've never even heard of an mp3 recorder like that! What a neat idea!
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