I'm on vacation visiting family in Costa Rica- still could not resist early morning material making with coffee and birds on my parents beautiful porch. And I remembered the classroom, on an island far far away... where we have had so much work with the puzzle maps in the classroom recently that I decided to make a set of World Landmarks 3 part cards. Click here and you can have them too! It would be really cool to make little flags or write the location of where the landmarks are in the future. I think they'll be great for generating discussions on architecture, design, and geography.
Thank you for sharing! Enjoy your vacation! Costa Rica is indeed a beautiful country...:) Miri
Thank You!
What beautiful cards!
Thank you!
Dear Susanne,
This is a wonderful material. It is a tremendous gesture of generosity to have these cards available for free. As the Director of Bula Montessori School I would have been willing to pay hundreds of dollars for these. Keep up the great work.
Yours truly,
Shlomo Yair Shulevitz
Thank you for the cards! I envy you being in Costa Rica, beautiful!! And you seem to be just like me, on vacation, but Montessori is still at the top of the list!
Oh dear... Someone (in not very kind words) just let me know that I misspelled "Taj Mahal" on my cards- oops. Colloseum, however, is an accepted spelling for this structure although Colosseum is more widely used.
We lived in Costa Rica for two years. My son was born there. We lived in Heredia. We miss most things about it, but it is much easier living in the States.
Years later, I discovered your free cards and have downloaded them successfully, soon to print. Thank you! These will be interesting and helpful in my preschool classroom.
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