If you like this kind of thing too, there is a fantastic little book called "Children Can Build" by Susan Scheibenzuber from Laughing Star Montessori complete with presentations to be given on a little classroom workbench for projects using wood and real tools. It includes presentations such as:
Sawing Sticks
Sawing Foam Core
Using a Hand Drill
Using a Sanding Block
Using a Vise
I dream that one day we'll have our own workbench too!
In the meantime, this is what we have:
Using a Philips screw driver to join two blocks of wood:
Using a Flathead screw driver to join two blocks of wood:
Using a hex key to join two blocks of wood together (Warning- this is a dangerous one to teach the children when most of your furniture comes from Ikea):
Putting two blocks together using bolts, washers and wing nuts:
Not pictured because they are yet to be put on the shelf:
Hammering into a block of wood and removing the nails.
Polishing wood with linseed oil.
Those are all wonderful! I have always wanted to have woodworking out for my daughter but other than the nuts and bolts, I couldn't come up with anything. I will check out the book too. Thanks!
Don't forget sandpaper, and a broom!
i'm a former minw student, and i'm LOVING your blog! thanks for giving me great ideas during my first year of teaching!
sarah s.
Thank you! Thank you! My son loves anything to do with tools.
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