P.S.Montessori nominated my blog for a "Lemonade Stand Award" and wrote some pretty sweet things about this blog on her page. Thank you! Passing it along, some blogs that nourish me:
The Moveable Alphabet- Joshua Slocum's great granddaughter, Susan Dyer, shares the beautiful happenings of her environment. This is what Montessori is all about.
Montessori by Hand- Although this blog is in a permanent state of hiatus, it is the original reason why I started blogging. Insightful, practical, and lots of shared goodies.
You probably already know this, but Montessori by Hand can now be found here: http://sewliberated.typepad.com/sew_liberated/
She still posts frequently on Montessori topics, although it is not an "only" Montessori blog.
Montessori by Hand has changed its name to Sew Liberated. The blog is still alive and well (and updated frequently) but has a new name. This is definitely one of my favorites.
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